RRP: $179.95 (You save $5)
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Quick Summary
  • Mat Nest Seat (Waterproof Green Fabric, Black Mat)
  • Seats Multiple Children
  • Capacity: 100kg (with gentle usage)
  • Hanging Length: 1.2-1.6m
  • Seat Length: 150cm
  • Seat Width: 80cm

150cm Green Curved Nest Swing

 (as pictured)
Only 1 left in stock
Item Description
Important Notes:
1. Not for commercial playground or daycare - the rectangular curved shape can have relatively more momentum than circular shape, creating a risk for people walking in front of the moving swing.
2. During assembly, do not tighten any bolts until all tubes are in position, or the mat may feel too tight.
3. Note the dimensions - 150cm by 80cm swing size - a medium-large size swing.

This nest swing seat is made from a smooth and waterproof black and green Oxford polyester. Kids often find the mat style more comfortable than the rope style.

This one is large at 150cm long by 80cm wide, with 100kg weight limit (under gentle usage). It is suggested for children 3 years and older.

Our swings are often hung from a tree or swing set, but can also be used indoors.

To hang from a tree, you should:
  1. Select a strong branch.
  2. Attach a tree strap or two and the swing. (One strap for a swiveling swing, 2 for a less-swiveling swing)
  3. Adjust the swing to be low to the ground to reduce fall risk.
  4. Make sure the surface below the swing is not too hard.
  5. Test the set-up before giving the go-ahead to the kids.
Now that you have it hanging, your child is ready to play. There is room for more than 1 child, so let them invite some friends to play too - they're all sure to want to try.
Weight Capacity100kg (with gentle usage)
Swing HeightAdjustable 120-160cm
Seat Length150cm
Seat Width80cm
What's IncludedMat Nest Swing with Adjustable Ropes
Suspension Rope10mm Thickness
Appropriate Age3+ Years
Purchase Protection6 Months
Support7 Days per Week
Assembly and Safety Manualscurved-swing-manual.pdf
Optional Accessory Details
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